LEGAL Notice

LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L.” (hereafter “LOS MONASTERIOS”) is the owner of this website and with this document complies with the obligations of the Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información LSSICE), as well as informing all users of its conditions of use.
Any person accessing this website will have the status of user and commit to comply with these provisions, as well as with any other applicable regulations.


Corporate address: Road Pascual y Genís, n.º 5, Postal Number 46002 Valencia
Tax identification number (NIF/CIF): B40504086
Registry information: Valencian Commercial Registry, Volume (Tomo) 10520, Book (Libro) 7801, Page (Folio) 176, Section (Sección) 8, Registry Page (Hoja) V182716
Phone number: +34 682 76 28 26 // +34 963 942 282


The required hardware and software to access the website will be on behalf of the users, therefore LOS MONASTERIOS will not be responsible for the functioning, the rights of use or licences required, nor for any other related circumstance or requirement; nor in the event of malfunction, deterioration, deletion of data or software and, in general, any anomaly that may occur in the users’ equipment or systems as a direct or indirect consequence of accessing or attempting to access the website.
LOS MONASTERIOS has no obligation whatsoever regarding the quality and speed of access to the website, and may therefore modify its conditions of access or even suspend them. The exercise of these powers shall in no case imply responsibility for any consequences or damages that may be caused.


The user is obliged to use the services in a diligent and lawful manner, and particularly, to refrain at least from:

  • Using the services with purposes or effects contrary to the law, moral and good customs or public order;
  • Reproduce, copy, communicate, distribute, allow access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the web’s content, any of its elements of services, unless authorised by the owner or legally permitted;
  • Infringe in any way intellectual or industrial property rights that correspond to LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L. or any third-party;
  • Use the Services and/or the information or data obtained or provided by the website to send advertising, communications that pursue commercial purposes and/or contravene the website’s purpose; or, regardless of their purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of persons.
  • Commercialise or divulge such information in any way;

The user will respond to damages that LOS MONASTERIOS, as the owner, could suffer as a result of the infringement of these obligations and/or any other contained in this Legal Notice, General Conditions that govern this website or directly imposed by law.
LOS MONASTERIOS may interrupt the Service or exclude users from the Website who fail to comply with the above, as well as in case of the possible commission of offences or infringements of any kind, conducts contrary to rules that govern this website and/or when they may disturb the image, reputation, credibility and/or prestige of LOS MONASTERIOS or any of the trade names or trademarks under which it operates.


All of the contents of this website (texts, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, graphic designs, font codes, software, etc.) belong to LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L., either as the owner, or as assignee or authorised by third-party to whom they belong.

The use of these contents and elements for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden, as well as its distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation. The infringement of these rights may constitute an offence of articles 270 and following of the Spanish Penal Code.
The observations, opinions and comments sent by the users by any means to LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L., could be subject of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and any other kind of exploitation. It shall be understood as the user authorises and does it so free of charge, without territorial limitation and as long as the right is in force.
The complaints related to possible infringements of intellectual and industrial property rights shall be addressed to the following email address:

5. User generated-content

LOS MONASTERIOS has at its disposal channels of communication that allow users to talk and exchange information, however requires the compliance of certain rules of conduct:

  1. Comply with the terms of this Legal Notice and the General Conditions that govern this website, as well as National or International legislation that may deem applicable.
  2. Don’t impersonate someone or an organization, which could result in a crime typified in the Spanish Penal Code.
  3. Be respectful and don’t use offensive language or expressions. In this sense, degrading messages and/or containing threats and insults will be deleted; or those that could hurt the sensibility of other users.
  4. Do not infringe security measure enforced to avoid the misuse of the website’s content and service.
  5. Do not use the website in any way or form to organize attacks, spam or any other type of forbidden conduct.
    In case of infringement, LOS MONASTERIOS shall delete or edit any content and/or user account it comes from.


LOS MONASTERIOS shall not be accountable for the information published on the website, which has been manipulated, or inserted by a third-external party; neither for the damages caused by the presence of any virus or other elements that could produce alteration to the IT system.

For technical, security, maintenance, supply failure reasons, and/or any other justified reason, LOS MONASTERIOS could interrupt the website access or the rendition of its services at any time and without prior notice, however, whenever possible, commits to inform this, and to do so within time and in the manner which causes least damage.
In these cases, LOS MONASTERIOS, cannot guarantee the website availability nor its services, the use of which is carried out by the user at their own risk, without LOS MONASTERIOS being held responsible for any kind of delay, errors, anomalies in the service, and, in general, any other unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, due to causes beyond its control and/or occurred due to the user’s intentional or negligent actions.

LOS MONASTERIOS won’t either be responsible for the use that the user makes of the service or its passwords, being the user obliged to hold LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L. unaccounted for any damage, loss, penalty, expense (including, without limitation, legal fees) or civil, administrative or any other kind of liability that may be suffered and is related to the infringement or the partial or irregular fulfilment of the provisions of these General Conditions or the applicable Law, and especially, obligations regarding Personal Data Protection.

With regard to the concept of force majeure and unforeseeable circumstances, in addition to the provisions of article 1105 of the Spanish Civil Code, shall be deemed included all events beyond the LOS MONASTERIOS’ control (third-parties failure, operators or service companies, Government actions, lack of access to third-party networks, acts or omissions of the Public Authorities, natural phenomena, blackouts, attacks by hackers or third parties specialised in security or the computer system integrity), provided that LOS MONASTERIOS has adopted reasonable security measures in accordance with the state of the technique.
In any case, and regardless of the cause, LOS MONASTERIOS shall not be liable for any kind of damage – direct or indirect -, consequential damage and/or loss of profit.

LOS MONASTERIOS shall not be deemed liable either for damages arising from lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and/or updating of the Services provided or offered by third parties, since it cannot control the contents which are transmitted, spread or made available to third parties by users or collaborators, except in cases where this is required by current legislation or when required by a competent judicial or administrative authority. Nevertheless, it commits to update and rectify this information as soon as it becomes aware of it and to the extent allowed by the technology available.
Links Policy

In case of links which redirect to other webs, its contents will depend on third parties and won’t be controlled by LOS MONASTERIOS. Consequently, and even though LOS MONASTERIOS will proceed to immediately remove the unlawful, unmoral and contrary to public order content – including, in its case, bring it to the attention of the authorities-, it won’t be liable about them.
This, notwithstanding, in order to comply with articles 11 and 16 LSSICE, LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L. is hereby placed at the disposal of users, authorities and law enforcement agents, in order to achieve the withdrawal or blocking of these contents.

If a user considers any content is subject of such situations, we urge you to immediately bring it to the attention of LOS MONASTERIOS.
LOS MONASTERIOS DESARROLLOS URBANÍSTICOS, S.L. also accepts no responsibility for the information and stored content in blogs, chats, blog generator, comments, social media or any other kind of media which allows third parties to independently publish content in this website.


For the settlement of all disputes and issues related with the present website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish legislation shall apply, to which the parties submit expressly themselves to, being the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia competent for the resolution of every dispute arising from or related to its use, without prejudice to the provisions on consumer matters when applicable.
In case of discrepancies about translated words in this Legal Notice, the Spanish version will always prevail.

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